
Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Ide gue sih gini, klo kamu??

Ide gue sih gini, klo kamu??

TOP 9 teknik TERBAIK mencium payudara wanita!!

Posted: 04 Feb 2011 08:38 AM PST

PAYUDARA kaum hawa identik sebagai perhatian seksual kaum adam. Sementara bentuk dan karakteristik payudara wanita berbeda-beda, namun hal ini tetap tak mengurangi fokus dan kepuasan pria untuk memandangi, menyentuh, dan menciumi bagian sensitif tersebut.

Bahkan, sebuah pengalaman mengatakan beberapa wanita dapat mencapai klimaks dengan hanya foreplay payudara. Kini, saatnya Anda memelajari teknik terbaik mencium payudaranya hingga mampu mengantarkan rangsangan yang mahadahsyat ke seluruh bagian tubuhnya, seperti diulas eHow.

1. Pertama-tama, ciumi bagian luar payudara pasangan. Pastikan bibir Anda telah lembap saat melakukannya.

2. Ciumi payudaranya sambil perlahan mengarahkan bibir sedekat mungkin ke puting. Hembuskan napas Anda tepat di atas puting, agar dia dapat merasakan kehangatan napas Anda.

3. Gunakan ujung lidah untuk melingkari areolanya. Ingat untuk memberikan perhatian yang sama antara payudara kanan dan kiri.

4. Gelitik putingnya menggunakan ujung lidah Anda. Pastikan dia menikmati permainan lidah Anda. Jika dia mendesah atau klimaks tiba-tiba, berarti dia menyukai ciuman Anda.

5. Ketika Anda merasakan putingnya telah tegang, arahkan dan tusukkan ujung lidah Anda ke putingnya, sambil menggerakkan ujung lidah ke atas dan ke bawah putingnya. Lalu, masukkan perlahan putingnya ke dalam mulut Anda. Hisap sambil memainkannya dengan ujung lidah Anda.

6. Remas daging payudara saat Anda sibuk bermain dengan masing-masing puting. Jangan lupakan untuk menstimulasi area bawah dan di antara payudaranya.

7. Biarkan putingnya basah, saat Anda berpindah ke payudara lain. Lalu saat Anda menghisap puting, lakukan cubitan gemas sambil meraba payudaranya

8. Dengarkan setiap desahannya atau pergerakkan tubuhnya. Jika dia tampak menikmatinya, maka Anda diperbolehkan memuaskannya kapan saja.

9. Hindari rutinitas mencium payudara yang sama. Coba berbagai variasi lain. Ingatkan diri Anda dengan mencium payudara wanita dengan tepat, maka Anda dapat memberikannya klimaks terhebat yang pernah didapatkannya.(tty)

Ligers, hasil perkawinan antara singa jantan dan harimau betina!!

Posted: 04 Feb 2011 06:39 AM PST

Wew, koq aneh gitu wujudnya ya.... :D
Beneran atau hoax neh? hahaha

NGAKAK!! Ketika BAYI jadi korban SOTOSHOP!!

Posted: 04 Feb 2011 06:21 AM PST

Buset, dari lempar barang disulap jadi lempar bayi.. hahaha
Coba save as kedua gambarnya truz bandingkan deh.. :D

Tau gak apa kepanjangan ADIDAS??

Posted: 04 Feb 2011 03:35 AM PST

Ooh... ternyata itu toh.. hahaha
Baru tau gue.. :D

Ledakan di mabes polri, petugas puslabfor luka ringan!!

Posted: 03 Feb 2011 11:10 PM PST

Ledakan ini bukan karena teroris koq gan, jadi gak usah was-was.. :D

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Petugas Puslabfor Mabes Polri dilaporkan terluka ringan menyusul ledakan di gedung Pusat Laboratorium Forensik Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Jumat (4/2/1011) siang.

Ledakan terjadi di lantai tiga gedung Puslabfor Mabes Polri sekitar pukul 13.30 WIB.

Sejumlah saksi mengatakan, sesaat ledakan terjadi muncur kobaran api dan asap menjalar di lantai 3.

"Tadi keluar api juga. Apinya panjang," ujar Rizal yang mengaku tengah melintas di depan gedung tersebut.

Saat tampak, sejumlah petugas Propam sibuk mengamankan lokasi ledakan. Mereka tampak sibuk memadamkan api dengan Alat Pemadam Api Ringan (APAR).

Seorang anggota Propam mengungkapkan, bahwa sumber ledakan berasal dari bahan kimia.

6 Weird Things That Influence Bad Behavior More Than Laws

Posted: 03 Feb 2011 09:56 PM PST

Diligent readers of Cracked already know that our brains can be tricked by just about anything: manipulated images, our birth order and shiny things. But we can also be tricked into being generous, good people by our surroundings.
Of course, it goes the other way, too. Your morality at any given moment can be influenced by ...
Pictures of Eyes

Obviously, we are more honest when someone (or a security camera) is watching us, but studies have actually shown that if any depiction of an eye is in view, even if it is cartoonish or nonhuman, it makes people less likely to cheat or to behave immorally.

Put the bong down until the article is over.
In one experiment, all a professor had to do to drastically influence the actions of her colleagues was change the clip art on a piece of paper. They did the test in a teachers lounge, where the staff enjoyed a coffee/tea station that ran on the honor system. Teachers were welcome to help themselves, but a notice posted near the station asked users to pay for their coffee in the honesty box.
A picture of a cartoon eye was placed at the top of the reminder notice, and the amount of money left in the honesty box tripled.
Just to be sure it wasn't a coincidence, the next week the eye was replaced with a flower. Contributions went back to normal. Somehow, the subtle reminder of being watched made people way more honest.

Putting this poster in your bedroom will not get you laid.
But we've not only been programmed to fear the all-seeing eye, we have also been warned since childhood that otherworldly, omnipresent forces are also watching us, all the damn time. Whether it's Santa knowing our sleeping patterns or God himself hovering over our every move like a holy hawk, many of us were told that an invisible something was watching and keeping score. As a result, even if you're an atheist, any reference to God seems to make you more generous with your money and more moral in general.
In one experiment, subjects played a game in which they unscrambled words, then decided what to do with a pot of fake money. When the unscrambled words evoked God in some way, the money was given to anonymous strangers more generously -- yes, even if the unscramblers were nonbelievers. When the unscrambled words spelled out neutral concepts, the participants were more stingy. It just takes the slightest of reminders that somewhere, somehow, someone is watching you.

Always watching you.
On a similar note ...
The Lighting

Obviously, more crimes are committed at night than in the day, presumably for the sheer fact that it's easier to get away. But oddly enough, even otherwise law-abiding people make moral choices based on how bright the lighting is -- regardless of whether other people can still see them. Dim light simply makes people less honest and more likely to cheat.

None of those dim kids have their hands raised.
And we're not talking really low lighting, where it could maybe create the illusion that you're hidden -- just slightly lower lighting is enough. In this study, participants were divided between a well-lit room and a dimly lit room, then asked to take a test. For every answer they got right, they got to keep 50 cents from an envelope containing $10. The catch was that they graded their own tests. Of the two groups, the dimly lit ones were more likely to cheat and to claim they got more right than they actually did.
Oh, and get this -- in another experiment, half of the subjects were asked to wear sunglasses, then allocate a portion of $6 to a stranger. SURPRISE! The cool kids in the shades were less generous than their nonshaded counterparts.

These people will donate a combined total of $14 over the next five years. Mostly by accident.
That's right -- because we have a harder time seeing people, we assume they have a harder time seeing us, even when every logical fiber of our being tells us that is obviously bullshit. Apparently this is because deep down, we're just little toddlers thinking no one can see us if our eyes are covered.
This apparent invisibility makes us more likely to be dishonest on any level, whether it is lying in an email while in a dim office, cheating on our significant other in a dark club or shortchanging that annoying customer in an under-lit coffee shop.

Above: Everything you need to know about human psychology.
Your Personal Cleanliness

Quick, fill in the missing letters of these words:
W_ _H
S_ _P
Don't worry, there are no right or wrong answers -- we will simply be judging the cleanliness of your soul based on what you say. According to scientists, if your answers included WASH, SHOWER or SOAP, you might subconsciously feel bad about something and want to metaphorically clean yourself off. Because apparently, a guilty conscience makes us want to get clean.

Boil the lies from your filthy bones.
In one study, participants who related a past misdeed to interviewers were more likely to then fill in word puzzles with cleaning-related words rather than words such as "with," "wish" or "shop." Anytime subjects were made to think about doing something wrong, they gravitated toward things that made them feel clean.
In a different experiment, subjects were asked to copy first-person fictional stories, then rate the desirability of certain products. The people who wrote out stories featuring a scheming, lying protagonist favored cleaning products, while people who wrote out stories with nice-guy protagonists were more random in their selections.
It's called the "Lady Macbeth effect," and unfortunately, it works just as well the other way. While doing something wrong makes you feel dirty, feeling clean turns you into an asshole. Washing or wiping our hands seems to induce a moral cleansing effect in us. So you are actually less likely to be helpful and more likely to lie to someone if you have just washed up.

Time to go inconvenience some cripples!
We don't know if anyone has ever said this before, but Shakespeare was a genius.

The Smell of Citrus

The same guy who brought you the Lady Macbeth effect decided to see whether there were still more ways that cleanliness makes you either totally awesome or a horrible, horrible person. It turns out that regardless of your own level of personal hygiene, even the cleanliness of the room you are in can affect how you act.

For example, if your room looks like this, you will be acting celibate.
Most of us associate the smell of citrus fruits with cleanliness, because the household cleaning product industry decided that was what every damn thing it sells us should smell like. So now when you smell a hint of lemon, you don't think "delightful summer beverage" or "scurvy-fightin' time!" but "Did I remember to tip the maid?"
So powerful is this association between citrus and cleanliness that you will behave better because of it. That's right -- unlike the last study, which said being more physically clean makes you an ass, a different study shows that when you smell something clean, you become a better person.

If only they'd had these in Nazi Germany.
In this study, participants were brought into one of two rooms. Both rooms looked the same and had the same level of cleanliness; the only difference was that one had been sprayed with a very light citrus scent. The men and women were then told they had to split a pot of money with someone else and that the other person did not know the value of the original amount in the pot. People in the scented room were far more generous when giving this anonymous partner money than those in the unscented room. In some cases, the citrus scent actually doubled the amount of money shared.
Later, they were asked if they had noticed the smell or noticed that the room was clean. Overwhelmingly they did not, meaning the kindness and generosity bestowed on us through these "clean" scents works even on an unconscious level.
The Presence of Large Trees

The U.S. Forestry Service did a huge crime study (covering more than 430 cases) and found something odd, yet strikingly consistent:

People don't know we still have a Forestry Service.
Big trees equal less crime.
That is, neighborhoods with large trees tend to have much lower crime rates than those with smaller trees or just bushes.
You might think that it's just because big, fancy trees are more common around big, fancy homes, so it's more correlation than causation (that is, the type of neighborhood that would have low crime anyway would also have nicer trees). But the trend holds true even if you account for that -- low crime/high income neighborhoods with smaller trees have higher crime than their peers.

Nothing like big trees to deter street crime.
Researchers can only speculate -- one commented that maybe the burglars figure that a neighborhood that can keep a tree from dying for 50 years must have its shit together (and thus must have an organized neighborhood watch program). Though that seems like a lot of deductive reasoning for a dude looking to steal a plasma TV for crack money.
Another theory is that smaller trees or low bushes skew the crime rates upward for everyone else, because they give criminals something to hide behind. Still another is that tall trees drop leaves, and that makes for loud, crunching footsteps when you're trying to sneak in at night (though again, you'd think they could just walk around the leaves or save up all of their crimes for spring).

Or maybe it goes back to the "honesty when you think you're being watched" thing, and they just think the trees are keeping an eye on them, like in the second Lord of the Rings movie. Or that they're full of cookie-making elves. Or they think Batman is hiding up there. It's hard to say, because criminals are really hard to get survey results from.
Signs of Other People Misbehaving

It seems humans just need any little excuse to be bad. All we need is for other people to break the ice of immorality, and we're ready to jump in with them.
For example, a parking lot with parking carts strewn willy-nilly is 28 percent more likely to get littered on than one that is clean. For some reason, once we see that someone else has misbehaved, even if we don't witness it, it gives our brains the go-ahead to be bad ourselves. It doesn't even have to be something directly related; seeing a broken window in a house might make you more likely to litter.

In one part of an exhaustive six-part study on this phenomenon, researchers left an envelope that obviously contained a 5-euro note in an open mailbox. Five euros isn't a lot of money, but most people would still say that the thought of stealing said money would never cross their minds. Well, a bunch of you would be wrong, and all it would take to change your I'm-totally-not-gonna-steal-from-random-strangers minds is a trashy-looking mailbox.

Literally anything you do to these people is justified.
While a "mere" 13 percent of people stole the money when the mailbox looked nice and taken care of, over a quarter of the random people who walked by stole the money if the mailbox was covered in graffiti.
This isn't new; the idea has been around for a while under the name the "broken window theory," which states that when we see broken windows around, we just assume it's a Thunderdome free-for-all for committing crimes.
Seriously: What the hell is wrong with us?

Maybe, as a species, we could agree to cut down on the meth?
Follow Kathy on Twitter, befriend her on Facebook or read the rest of her Cracked articles here.

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Koleksi foto-foto EKSKLUSIF meletusnya gunung shinmoedake di jepang!!

Posted: 03 Feb 2011 09:43 PM PST

27 Januari 2011, Jepang bagian selatan antara Miyazaki dan Kagoshima, puncak Shinmoedake meletus. Gunung ini memuntahkan partikel-partikel yang menjulang tinggi dari abu dan asap hingga 2.500 meter. Badan Meteorologi Jepang telah meluncurkan rencana darurat. Abu dan batuan jatuh di Jepang selatan antara prefektur Kagoshima dan Miyazaki, pihak berwenang telah menaikkan tingkat waspada dan dipanggil untuk evakuasi penduduk keseluruhan dengan jarak 2 kilometer radius ini gunung api aktif.

Mengunjungi horikoshi gakuen, sekolah orang kaya dan selebritis di JEPANG!!

Posted: 03 Feb 2011 09:28 PM PST

Jadi apa itu Horikoshi Gakuen? Horikoshi Gakuen adalah nama sekolah menengah atas di Jepang untuk kalangan atas.

Saking mahalnya, hanya orang-orang kaya yang sanggup menyekolahkan anaknya disana. Atau minimal anaknya sangat pintar sehingga diberikan beasiswa penuh. Fasilitasnya sangat lengkap, serba mewah dan eksklusif. Bayangkan, program retretnya saja ke Eropa.

Kalau di Indonesia, perbandingannya adalah Pelita Harapan gitu deh.

Belum lagi peraturan di sekolah Horikoshi Gakuen yang tidak terlalu ketat sehingga membuat banyak para artis dan selebriti Jepang sekolah disana.Para artis kan jadwal shownya sangat padat, jadi gak apa-apa kalau sering bolos

Siapa saja selebriti Jepang yang masuk ke Horikoshi Gakuen?

Mulai dari Matsumoto Jun, Yamashita Tomohisa (Yamapi), Ikuta Toma, Fukada Kyoko, Kato Ai, Inagaki Goro, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, Domoto Tsuyoshi, dan masih banyak lagi yang lain.

Tapi jangan kira banyak orang-orang bodoh, malas dan kaya yang bisa sekolah disini. Justru sebaliknya, para murid yang mau masuk harus melalui tes tingkat tinggi terlebih dahulu.

Di amerika ternyata ada parfum dengan bau UANG loh!!

Posted: 03 Feb 2011 08:45 PM PST

Foto: Ilustrasi

Oleh: Dahlia Krisnamurti

- Kamis, 3 Februari 2011 | 11:00 WIB

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Uang, ternyata bisa menjadi penyemangat kerja. Jika Anda merasa malas dan bosan bekerja, segeralah semprotkan parfum beraroma uang. Sesaat semangat itu muncul kembali.

Patrick McCarthyt terinspirasi studi di Jepang yang menunjukkan aroma uang membuat pekerja dapat bekerja lebih efisien. Pengujiannya kepada pekerja di pabrik-pabrik, setelah disemprotkan aroma uang, para pekerja bekerja menjadi lebih keras dan giat.

Semua orang membutuhkan uang dalam hidupnya. Uang pun membuat seseorang merasa lebih 'hidup'. Saking berharganya uang, Patrick McCarthy menciptakan parfum beraroma uang.

Seperti dikutip refinery29, parfum uang itu bertitel 'Money'. Memiliki aroma seperti uang yang baru dicetak. Terdapat dua koleksi, 'His Money' yang ditujukan untuk pria dan 'Her Money' untuk wanita.

Dalam hidupnya, semua orang pasti membutuhkan parfum. Tidak seluruhnya parfum 'Money' beraroma uang. Aroma kayu rosemary dan jeruk menjadi campuran tambahan dari parfum ini.

Saat ini parfum 'Money' hanya tersedia di Amerika Serikat, seharga US$35 atau sekitar Rp315.000 untuk 50 ml. [mor]

GOKIEL!! Pasangan kumpul kebo karena biaya nikah MAHAL!!

Posted: 03 Feb 2011 08:39 PM PST

SEKUPANG - Pasangan tidak resmi alias kumpul kebo ternyata bertebaran di kota Batam. LSM Pemberdayaan Anak Rantau Indonesia (PARI) telah mendata 180 pasang pasangan tak resmi. Data ini baru diambil di tiga kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Bengkong, Kecamatan Batu Aji dan Kecamatan Sagulung.

Dari ketiga kecamatan tersebut, Kecamatan Sagulung dan Batu Aji merupakan kecamatan yang paling banyak pasangan tidak resminya. Setidaknya tercatat 57 pasangan tidak resmi. "Ini baru data dari mereka yang mau melaporkan dari tiga kecamatan tersebut,jika yang tak terdata mungkin lebih banyak lagi,"kata Bayu aktivis LSM PARI seperti dikutip Batam Pos (grup JPNN).

PARI mengusulkan solusi untuk mereka yaitu Program Pernikahan Massal.Bayu yang menangani Program Pernikahan Massal ini menyesalkan kurangnya atensi dari Pemerintah Kota terutama Departemen Agama dalam realisasi program yang mereka tawarkan.

Padahal mereka yang menikah tidak resmi baik sirri atau kumpul kebo ini akan kesulitan dalam menjalani kehidupan mereka sebagai warga negara. "Anak-anak mereka nantinya akan kesulitan untuk bersekolah,karena tak punya akte kelahiran,"kata Bayu.

Bayu juga menilai bahwa besarnya biaya administrasi pernikahan membuat sebagian besar warga tidak mampu ini menjalani nikah sirri atau tidak menikah sama sekali meski telah hidup bersama layaknya suami istri. Sebagian besar pelaku nikah sirri dan kumpul kebo di Batam ini mengaku kesulitan memenuhi administrasi untuk menikah.

Mereka rata-rata tidak punya KTP resmi ataupun KK. Untuk makan saja mereka sudah kesusahan apalagi untuk mendaftar yang menurutnya bisa menelan biaya 500 ribu hingga 1 juta. "Bahkan ada yang melaporkan ke kami bahwa biaya mediasi saja sudah 500 ribu,"kata Bayu dengan suara tinggi.

Solusi dari KUA pun menurutnya sering ngawur. Salah seorang pasangan kumpul kebo yang hendak menikah resmi diberi pengantar form N8/N9.

"Padahal jelas-jelas mereka belum menikah secara agama maupun negara,"kata Bayu. Pasangan kumpul kebo itu kemudian diminta mengikuti sidang Isbat saja oleh KUA,"kata Bayu. KUA yang dimaksudan Bayu adalah KUA Bengkong. Sayang sekali ketika Batam Pos datang ke kantor KUA Bengkong untuk mengkonfirmasi hal ini, pintu kantor sudah tertutup karena sudah jam pulang pegawai.

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